What We Do

Charter Boats
To promote the charter boat business and the welfare of Association members.

Stay Informed
Stay informed on any and all rules and regulations that enhance the goals of the charter boat and related businesses.

To encourage and support the conservation of the fisheries locally and of the world
2022 Islamorada Sailfish Tournament winners
Congratulations to the
Trophy Hunter
Winners of the
59th Annual Islamorada Sailfish Tournament
The 59th Annual Islamorada Sailfish Tournament kicked off at Whale Harbor hosting 88 anglers, plus friends and family with a grand buffet. Under rough conditions and tough fishing anglers competed for three days until lines out of the water was called at 3PM on Sunday December 4th. Captain Brian Cone led anglers Mark Mitchell and Kenneth Padgett of Charlotte, NC along with Travis Bennett, Brett Shahlamian and junior angler Andy Cone all from Tavernier, FL to victory with a total of 4 releases on time. The team took home beautiful sailfish Gyotaku prints by Lisa Lee’s Gallery of the Arts sponsored by Caribee Boat Sales and Yamaha Outboards along with Smith sunglasses and Papa’s Pilar rum and a fat check. 42 Sailfish were released out of the 54 called in hook ups with nearly $80,000.00 awarded to the winners.